Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Navigation and Academic Credit

    • Course Navigation

    • Academic Credit

  • 2

    Course Information

    • Course Objectives

    • Speaker Bio

    • Welcome

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • Inspirational Thought 1

    • Inspirational Thought 2

    • Inspirational Thought 3

    • Compassionate Care Participant Manual

  • 3

    Class 1 - Reproductive Decisions

    • Introduction - Reproductive Decisions

    • Presenter - Reproductive Decisions

    • Video - Reproductive Decisions

    • Knowledge Check Intro

    • Knowledge Check - Reproductive Decisions

    • Class Survey - 2 minutes

  • 4

    Class 2 - Reproductive Losses

    • Introduction - Reproductive Losses

    • Presenter - Reproductive Losses

    • Video - Reproductive Losses

    • Class Survey - 2 minutes

  • 5

    Class 3 - Infertility

    • Introduction - Infertility

    • Presenter - Infertility

    • Video - Infertility

    • Knowledge Check Intro

    • Knowledge Check Part 1 - Infertility

    • Knowledge Check Part 2 - Infertility

    • Class Survey - 2 minutes

  • 6

    Class 4 - Domestic Violence

    • Introduction - Domestic Violence

    • Presenter - Domestic Violence

    • Video - Domestic Violence

    • Class Survey - 2 minutes

  • 7

    Class 5 - Beyond Abortion Justification

    • Introduction - Beyond Justification

    • Presenter - Beyond Justification

    • Video - Beyond Justification

    • Knowledge Check Intro

    • Knowledge Check - Beyond Justification - Part 1

    • Knowledge Check - Beyond Justification - Part 2

  • 8

    Class 6 - Crisis Intervention

    • Introduction - Crisis Intervention and Referrals

    • Presenter - Crisis Intervention and Referrals

    • Video- Crisis Intervention and Referrals

    • Knowledge Check Intro

    • Knowledge Check Part 1 - Crisis Intervention and Referrals

    • Knowledge Check Part 2 - Crisis Intervention and Referrals

    • Class Survey - 2 minutes

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    Class 7 - Simulated Conversation

    • Introduction - Simulated Conversation

    • Presenter 1 - Simulated Conversation

    • Presenter 2 - Simulated Conversation

    • Video - Simulated Conversation

    • Class Survey - 2 minutes

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    Class 8 - Rituals for Healing and Hope

    • Introduction - Rituals for Healing and Hope

    • Presenter - Rituals for Healing and Hope

    • Video - Rituals for Healing and Hope

    • Class Survey - 2 minutes

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    Assignment - Academic Credit

    • Assignment for Academic Credit

  • 12

    Religion and Repro Learning Center Course Evaluation

    • Link to Course Evaluation

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    Additional Resources

    • Link to Resource Library